Roskilde Festival: Band Schedule

The Fat Berri’s team will be blogging live from Roskilde Festival 2012.
We will write about the music, mood, awkward situations and everything else that we see, hear, smell touch or taste. We plan to take a lot of pictures from the festival, so if you are not going to Roskilde Festival this year, you can follow what you are missing out on.

Roskilde Festival has just released the entire program which for this year’s game plan, and there are a lot of good things to see and hear.

We will make some recommendations just before the festival, but until then you can download the entire program in a pdf version and make your plan clear.

We are looking forward.

R.O.S.K.I.L.D.E 2012

Download the full program in a pdf


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    Decent sound system needed or good headphones at least to experience the music on this blog properly.


    Tracks on this blog should be regarded as promo files and will therefore be in lower quality than the original audio file unless we have strictly permission to upload files in a higher bitrate. Most of the tracks on this blog are posted with permission from either the artist, label or promoter. If you have any material hosted here at the blog and would like to have it removed or changed, please contact me at info[at]
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