I am pleased to introduce a new blogger here on the blog. It’s a good friend of mine and one which I guarantee you will like. Jan Brandi who is DJ and producer and is one half of the producer duo Tonovi. He will join me in sharing all the music and you will be able to read and hear what he has to offer once a week. ‘nough writing from me … Jan, the rest of this post is yours …
I am extremely happy to write here at Fat Berri’s. I had no doubts when Berri asked me. I will write once a week, and in my posts I will present you for two tracks which means something to me and that I’ve been able to use in my development as a DJ and producer … Hope y’all will enjoy my posts.
The first track today is from an Icelandic young man named Brynjar. I met him randomly at a coffee shop and we got to talking and I quickly found out that we both had thrown our hearts into electronic music. I got some of his tracks sent and there’s especially one that I think is really great. It’s called “Formalhaut B”. I think there is a bold energy and I played it at Culture Box last friday and it moved damn good all the way through. I’m convinced that Brynjar can be great if he continues. The sound is not to unfamiliar for me, and I bet you’ve heard something similar before. But I still think the energy in the number really is amazing.
Hope you like it, Brynjar deserves respect!
Brynjar, Formalhaut B
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The second track I’ve chosen here in my first post, is one from the German super producer from Berlin, Paul Kalkbrenner. I got this track sent by a friend from Berlin who is familiar with this incredibly talented producer, so I’ve had it for ages. “Aaron”, as the track is called, is a part of the soundtrack of Berlin-Calling, which is a movie where Paul Kalkbrenner himself is the protagonist. Watch it. This is the track I’ve heard most of 2009 and I can still hear it again and again. Each time the track played in Berlin, the crowd seems to freeze and enjoy every second. I’ve experienced it time and again. People may have danced for several hours, but when “Aaron” gets played, everybody becomes a little sensitive and loving. Close your eyes and enjoy the masterpiece.
Thanks Paul Kalkbrenner.
Paul Kalkbrenner, Aaron
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Hope you liked my first post and the tracks
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