De Dødelige


We really love Danish music, and this is no exception.

De Dødelige is a new Danish duo who delivered the first single last Monday.

On a foundation of elegant but dark R & B, inspired by leading names like Drake and The Weeknd, the duo tells their story.
They build a scenario around a guy who is out with a bunch of friends, he can only
hold out if he drinks. Through the fog in he club he sees a girl who feels as out of place as he does.
This leads to the song’s core: ‘If you have the courage to live, say so ‘.

– We want to show that there is room for a good story that one can relate to without
being wrapped up in glamor and illusion of an pop icon.

Inspired by the way one thinks about movies, we always end up at the Earth
downfall or the defining issue. Thats where everything starts to go in
slow motion says singer Andreas Ringblom.

He formed the mortal with producer Ulrik Schultz in the summer of 2012.
Based on their background of hip hop and house, they wanted to create a
universe which was darker, slower and driven by narrative.

We have also been allowed to share all acapella with you, so if have the courage and desire to remix you can download all the acapella here
and feel free to send your remix to us at

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    Decent sound system needed or good headphones at least to experience the music on this blog properly.


    Tracks on this blog should be regarded as promo files and will therefore be in lower quality than the original audio file unless we have strictly permission to upload files in a higher bitrate. Most of the tracks on this blog are posted with permission from either the artist, label or promoter. If you have any material hosted here at the blog and would like to have it removed or changed, please contact me at info[at]
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