Roskilde Festival ‘2011 Part II

The weather seems to be turning to our favor ….  we cross our fingers  for SUN SHINE !!
Friday is the day we plan to take it all the way, starting @ Cosmopol Scene with one of our Favorites Nicolas Jaar. After a great set “We hope” we are going to be wondering around checking out some of the bands highlighted in smaller print. Hopefully there is going to something we can rock the hours with and warm up  until we have to go to the Orange Scene to see Portishead, the band we are really here to see. Trying to burn off the Alcohol that we have drunken we are going to walk back to Cosmopol Scene to see Dj Koze for some good German Techno. We hope to make it until Dop starts up @ 2:00 in the morning.

Friday 1th.

Cosmopol @ 14:15
Nicolas Jaar, Wouh

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Orange Scene @ 22:00
Portishead, Glory Box

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Cosmopol @ 24:00
Dj Koze, Brutalga Square

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    Decent sound system needed or good headphones at least to experience the music on this blog properly.


    Tracks on this blog should be regarded as promo files and will therefore be in lower quality than the original audio file unless we have strictly permission to upload files in a higher bitrate. Most of the tracks on this blog are posted with permission from either the artist, label or promoter. If you have any material hosted here at the blog and would like to have it removed or changed, please contact me at info[at]
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