The new Fat Berri’s App is not only faster and more stabile but also available now for Android phones & tablets.
So what are you waiting for ?
Download/update your Free App Now from your desired store & Join the good music revolution.
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It has been a long wait but they say good things come to people that wait.
The Fat Berri’s Music App is finally upgraded from beta to Version 1.0
We learned a lot from testing our beta release and the many constructive feedbacks we got. Using the knowledge gained, we have created Version 1.0 of the music player from the ground up.
This is not just an update but a whole new player built from scratch with many more great updates on the way.
We would like to thank the many thousand users who have downloaded our app and given us feed back. Go now to the app store and download version 1.0 and enjoy non stop music on the go.
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