If you are not in Copenhagen this saturday, too bad. You are going to miss another cosy, deep love session at Copenhagen’s finest basement. Saturday is going to be the first day in 2011 with 20 degrees , But its not going to cool down after the sun sets, Lulu Rouge knows how to raise the tempreture. They are going to be spoiling us with some of their deep groovy tunes that cant help put a smile on your lips and a beat through your body.
So are you in Copenhagen and want to join us for a great night out ?
Here is what you need to do.
- Send a mail to guest@fatberris.com
- Write “Lulu Rouge” in the subject line
- List the full names of the people that are joining
- Be there before 01:00 if you want to get in free
- After 01:00 it’ll cost you a 50kr per head
TS Bar Studiestræde 14, Copenhagen – Saturday 2nd – 11pm – 5 am
Here is a little foreplay of what you can be expecting Saturday night at TS Bar.
Jamie Woon, Night Air – Lulu Rouge Deep Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Pablo Bolivar, Night Transfer – Patrick Zigon Remix – Baba Black Edit
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Ben Klock, Subzero – Original Mix
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Download here (Right Click, Save As).

The tracks is also added to the player in the “Uptempo” category, so if yo want non stop uptempo music – Launch the player by clicking the “Launch Player” button in the top right of the blog, to get the full experience.
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