1 more for the weekend, here is it John Tejada with his lovely track ‘Somewhere’
John Tejada, Somewhere
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Let us take some of the best from Germany and Austria, and get the best in Denmark to make an edit, and you get three wicked tracks.
Paul Kalkbrenner, Torted – Baba Black Edit
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John Tejada, Assimiliation – Baba Black Edit
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John Tejada, Adaptation – Baba Black Short Edit
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I’ve had the privilege of experiencing this German producer live. He is awesome, at least that day. He is perhaps best known for his track: Geht’s Noch, which was released on Cocoon Recordings. But I’ve most of all admired him for this number. I’ve heard it hundreds of times in the late evening hours or early morning hours, call it what you want.;)
Roman Flügel, Pattern 7
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I also had the honor to hear artist number two: John Tejada, who is from Austria. He played at Dunkel (Club in Copenhagen) this Friday. Unfortunately I did’nt had the change to hear him since I was out playing myself. But I know he can fire it up pretty well … He’s tough. Enjoy his special, but beautiful track.
John Tejada, The End Of It All
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