Coco from the Danish group Quadron has one ofthe most beautiful voices in Denmark. Her vocals in the track ‘Herfra Hvor Vi Står’ (From where we stand) is beautiful in so many ways. ‘Herfra Hvor Vi Står’is a perfect start for a quiet Monday.
For all the readers not from Denmark, you may not understand much of the song, but you can defiantly hear Coco’s beautiful vocals.
Quadron, Herfra Hvor Vi Står
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The Dry spell is over – we are back with buckets of new music.
After this long pause, we want to do a strong comeback with an unofficial remix of Denmark’s best Soul Duo “Quadron”
Lulu Rouge has worked so much on this track that it would be wrong to call it an edit. This track gets the title of “Unofficial remix” nevertheless an offcialt remix commendable.
Turn it up and enjoy
Quadron, Hey Love – Lulu Rouge Unofficial Remix
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