Roskilde Festival has been running for some days now in the camping area, and tomorrow when the doors open for the festival area, then it will go really crazy.
We at the Blog will all be at the festival from tomorrow, and we are really looking forward to hear some good music and just enjoy the time at Roskilde.
We will try to capture the best moments, and maybe a interview or two, so we can give you a good feedback from the festival.
There is a lot we want to hear, here are some tracks from some of the various artists we will hear at Roskilde Festival.
When Saints Go Machine, Armed (Disarmed)
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Moderat, Rusty Nails
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LCD Soundsystem, Bye Bye Bayou
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Prince, Kiss – Finn Beatet Edit
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Smack My Bitch Up – Prodigy Vs. Female Rapper – Baba Black Bootleg
Mexican Institute of Sound, Cumbia Deathface Remix. Lulu Rouge Edit
Lindstrom & Christabelle, Baby I Can’t Stop – Aeroplane Remix
It is only a small selection of all those we will hear and see at the festival.
Check out the full Roskilde Festival music program here
We will be back, with photos, reviews and a lot of feedback from the festival.
If you are going to Roskilde, have a great sunny festival, and if you not, Just wish that you were there
See you!!
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