Press play and have a banging weekend. See you Sunday for some Chill Session.
Porter Robinson, Bitch -Baba Black Edit
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Drop Acid – Tommie Sunshine & Mark Verbos Remix – Baba Black Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Blur, Crazy Beat – Baba Black Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).

All the tracks is also added to the musicplayer, so if yo want non stop music – Launch the player by clicking the “Launch Player” button in the top right of the blog, to get the full experience.
Try the new mobile music player for iPhones and Androids at http://m.fatberris.com

The best way to describe today’s track are!
Thunder is the sound made by lightning. Depending on the nature of the lightning and distance of the listener, thunder can range from a sharp, loud crack to a long, low rumble (brontide). The sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning produces rapid expansion of the air surrounding and within a bolt of lightning. In turn, this expansion of air creates a sonic shock wave which produces the sound of thunder, often referred to as a clap, crack, or peal of thunder. The distance of the lightning can be calculated by the listener based on the time interval from when the lightning is seen to when the sound is heard.
Let’s Rave!
The Dove, Girl at a Party With Siren – Baba Black Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Bart B More & Tommie Sunshine, Bodywork (Dub Mix) – Baba Black Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).

All the tracks is also added to the musicplayer, so if yo want non stop music – Launch the player by clicking the “Launch Player” button in the top right of the blog, to get the full experience.
Try the new mobile music player for iPhones and Androids at http://m.fatberris.com
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