Tonovi, the new DJ/Producer duo does well with their dubstep and I’m excited to hear more from them as they have delivered a cool track that shows that they’re heading towards the right direction with their music.
Tonovi – Boel
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In 2008 the name Brandi was on a lot of lips in Copenhagen. For a long time he had been pushed into doing his own stuff. But not having a studio or the knowhow to control it, he needed a partner who could provide just that. Knowing that a relative had this and were already doing dubstep, Brandi approached Møltov with the wish to do a project. Beeing very familiar to the name Brandi, Møltov immediately accepted. The project had a hard start trying to find a sound of their own. But after a year of trying DubStep, Minimal and Tech house, a pattern started to show.
The project is today known as
Tonovi – Umbro
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